Current News


The First Draft of the Wagoner Comprehensive Plan 2018 is on the city website for citizens to review. The plan covers specific areas of community development in depth, including Community Profile, Citizen Engagement, Land Use, Transportation, Housing, Parks & Recreation Economic Development, Historic Preservation, City Facilities, City Governance & Objectives and the Implementation Plan.

As we have been advertising, public hearings will be held for the presentation and discussion of Wagoner’s Comprehensive Plan on June 19th at the Wagoner Community Building, located at 102 N. Jefferson. The presentation will be given at 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. and is open to the public for those who wish to express their support or concerns regarding the plan.

The intent of these public hearings is to provide information about the contents of the plan and answer any questions that may arise.

For citizens who cannot make this date, another public hearing is scheduled during the June 26th Wagoner Metropolitan Area Planning Commission meeting at 7 p.m. in the Wagoner County Courthouse.

To view the document in its entirety, go to…/Docu…/Final_Comp_Plan1stDraft.pdf to view the document on our website. If for some reason that link will not work, you can view the plan at, click on Departments, then Development Services, Planning & Zoning, and then click on the document underneath Long Term Planning.

Please also find the attached “Plan on a Page” below, which describes the vision and the goals that were taken from the Community Survey and Re:Imagine Wagoner events and developed by the steering committee, as well as the Future Land Use Intensity Map which describes future land use designations and guidance on zoning and development in the Wagoner area.















To view a PDF version of these attachments, you can also go to, click on Departments, then Development Services, Planning-and-Zoning and look under Long Range Planning.

Questions or comments regarding the plan should be brought to the public hearings for consideration. For more information or questions, contact City of Wagoner Development Services at

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