Do you have an upcoming event for your organization? Please send a flyer and details to
We will add it to the community calendar and this page! 

Wagoner Cruise Night 
Every Thursday

Load up the family and enjoy dinner and Wagoner Cruise Night every Thursday in downtown Wagoner! 

Wagoner Police Department 
National Night Out 

The Wagoner Police Department will host their annual National Night Out on Tuesday October 1st, 2024 at 6pm.
Enjoy free food and fun while getting to know your local law enforcement, first responders and non-profits. 

National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances. 


FREE Cleanup Days for City of Wagoner Residents!


Boys & Girls Club of WRAP Project
B-I-N-G-O Fundraiser

Cornerstone Fall Market

Road Warriors 4 Christ
B-I-N-G-O Benefit for Wagoner Community Outreach


Annual Toy Run


Wagoner Area Chamber of Commerce 
Annual Awards Banquet and Auction 

Wagoner Community Outreach


Wagoner Lions Club

Monthly Meetings 

1st Wednesday of each month at Rons Hamburgers and Chili located at 1105 W Cherokee Street. 

Charity Golf Tournament 


WRAP Ruby Gala 

Wagoner Rotary Club 

Weekly Meetings Every Tuesday in the Wagoner Hospital Dining Room at noon!